This Disclaimer and Release provides all identified Parties to Wild Heart Enterprises, LLC d/b/a/ HerHouse (“HerHouse”) and its digital application ‘HerHouse’ (the App) with a notice of their limited liability, obligations, and rights to recover from one another for
actions caused by one another, that are outside the zones of control of and liability to HerHouse.
HerHouse offers its App as a women’s lodging network so that solo or group female travelers can find affordable, pre–vetted, and, most crucially to the HerHouse mission, safe temporary accommodations. Beyond that, the App is also a community of like–minded travelers seeking adventure around every corner, but wishing to do so with peace and security at the forefront.
To accomplish this, HerHouse vets every prospective Guest and Host (“Users,” jointly) for safety before allowing contact inside the App. Once on the App, pre-vetted Hosts offer their homes to pre–vetted Guests for free stays, of various lengths, in cities across the globe.
Now, HerHouse is proud and excited to announce an expansion of the App’s features, chiefly the new Homeswapping and Homesitting options. These new features are incorporated within the scope of this instant Disclaimer and Release.
Once Users are approved for HerHouse, all transactions, messaging, stays, surrounding correspondences, promises made, and actual conduct within that stay that occur on the individual and Host–Guest levels are outside of the zone of control and scope of oversight by HerHouse.
Therefore, HerHouse adamantly disclaims liability for any injuries suffered in law, fact, contract, property, or otherwise by Hosts and/or Guests in their activities and engagements with their Host and/or Guest counterparts. The Users (Hosts and Guests) therefore release HerHouse from liability for any of such activities should they occur or have occurred. The Users affirmatively recognize, understand, and assume the inherent risk within temporary accommodations in an individual’s private home.
Key Parties and Terminology
The Parties to this Disclaimer and Release are as follows:
1. Wild Heart Enterprises LLC (“HerHouse”): The company which develops, offers for use, owns, and operates the App and its associated services.
2. Hosts: Individuals who are pre–approved to provide their homes as temporary accommodations for Guests that are traveling. Hosts receive benefits commensurate with the frequency and duration of their stays. Hosts are subject to a background check.
3. Guests: Individuals who are pre–approved to stay at any Hosts’ homes, for up to three (3) nights per stay, with as many different Hosts as they wish and as often as they wish. To enjoy this service, Guests pay recurring monthly, semi–annual, or annual subscription fees. Guests are subject to a background check.
4. Users: The term “Users” will be used to refer to Guests and Hosts jointly.
5. Parties: The term “Parties” will be used to describe all of the above collectively. They key Terminology that governs this Disclaimer and Release is as follows:
6. The App: The actual HerHouse digital application, and the platform through which Guests connect with Hosts, homestays and other features are arranged, Users gain access to community resources, and Users are made abreast of the App’s Terms of Service.
7. Homestays: The flagship HerHouse offering; Up to three (3) nights of temporary accomodation provided to a Guest by a Host.
8. Homesitting: New offering; Undetermined period, to be agreed upon between Parties, through which one User will “homesit,” or provide housekeeping duties, for that other User who is away.
9. Homeswapping: New offering; Undetermined period, to be agreed upon between Parties, through which two Users “swap,” or exchange homes, to experience the other User’s respective city, town, and/or general area.
10. Stays: The term “Stays” will be used to refer to all of Homestays, Homesitting, and Homeswapping collectively.
Binding Agreement; Consent
This Disclaimer and Release is a binding agreement that will govern the conduct, rights, responsibilities, liabilities, and limitations of such liabilities of all Parties.
Consent to this Agreement will be effectuated by two means, either: 1.) clicking the “I AGREE” or “I CONSENT” buttons at the bottom of this form to provide your digital consent, and/or 2.) continuing to use the App and its features after being presented with this agreement in some form.
This Disclaimer and Release is presented and offered identically to all Users, irrespective of their Host or Guest designation, duration of use of App, and intended feature(s) to use through the App. HerHouse does not and will not modify this Agreement for any one specific User.
Supplement to Terms of Service
This Disclaimer and Release is a condition precedent for continued use of the HerHouse App platform, functions, and community network. As such, this Disclaimer and Release shall be a supplement to the Terms of Service to which all Users have already agreed.
Therefore, this Disclaimer and Release will not displace, override, replace, or conflict with the Terms of Service. Instead, this will be an addition, or supplement, to those Terms of Service.
Chiefly, this Disclaimer and Release will address new circumstances inherent and unique to the Homesitting and Homeswapping functions.
Assumption of the Risk
Users of HerHouse App and its associated features assume the risks inherent to stays. All of HerHouse’s offered stays–Homestays, Homesitting, and Homeswapping–contain risks, dangers, uncertainties, and potential for things to go awry that are beyond the scope of control and domain of oversight of HerHouse. Users therefore acknowledge these inherent risks and adamantly release HerHouse and its affiliates of their disclaimed liability.
HerHouse’s core mission and foundational purpose is to provide safe, pre–vetted, women–owned travel options for women travelers. Unfortunately, the temporary accommodations industry and their respective incarnations, be they hostels, hotels, or private home rental websites, are not always safe and have not directed that same energy, exclusivity, and laser–focus on providing women travelers with such safety as HerHouse has and continues to do. We have dedicated extensive brainpower, planning, legal mechanisms, and digital infrastructure to upholding the HerHouse mission, doing the utmost possible to
maximize women’s safety while traveling. But we are not able to definitively guarantee safety.
Specifically, HerHouse cannot monitor each interaction, each stay, each correspondence between Users, all activities that occur between Guests and Hosts, all of the peripherals surrounding these new Homesitting and Homeswapping features, and any incidental conduct therein. HerHouse’s liability is exclusive to and stops at the background checks provided to verify its onboarded Users. Even so, such liability can only be connected to documented, on–record prior violent crimes or dangerous activity that were accessible and
identifiable for a now–onboarded User. Otherwise, all other interactions, conduct, and occurrences are outside of HerHouse’s control.
Users hereby affirmatively recognize and acknowledge both the risks inherent to all stays and HerHouse’s limited zone of liability.
Examples of Liability–Released Activities
The following are provided as illustrative examples of the interactions, conduct, occurrences, and incidentals surrounding stays for which HerHouse is not liable. These examples are NOT a complete, exhaustive list. Instead, these are specific categorical instances to provide the signatory–User of this Disclaimer and Release with insight into the general types of occurrences for which HerHouse is not liable. There are numerous other examples outside of those below, and countless permutations, combinations, or versions of the stipulated example below, for which HerHouse will not be liable the same.
It is incumbent upon Users to do their due diligence in booking stays, identifying locations for travel, choosing activities and excursions, and picking who to travel with and who to associate with once at the intended destination.
Therefore, HerHouse disclaims liability for, and signatory–Users release HerHouse of liability for events including, but not limited to: personal property lost, stolen, or taken indefinitely without permission during stays; presence of other parties at the stay location whom were not communicated to the Guest as being present at such stay; unexpected or uncommunicated presence of pets and animals the same; interpersonal conflicts with Guest(s), Host(s), and/or locals, including those that result in bodily harm, severe injury, and/or premature cancel of stay; property damage caused by Guest(s) and their friend(s) and suffered by Host(s); illnesses contracting during stay regardless of whom actually or presumably transmitted such illness; excessive alcohol consumption and/or illicit or
prescription drug use by Guest(s), Host(s), and any peripherals; and conduct and interactions
with local people, including loss of property, misrepresentation causing loss of money (getting “swindled” or “cheated”), refusal of service by any local businesses, physical and sexual violence suffered, injuries sustained or illnesses contracted, and the like.
Disclaimed Liability Specific to Homesitting and Homeswapping
HerHouse is proud to announce the launch of its Homesitting and Homeswapping features. However, despite the excitement these features bring, they also produce unique challenges. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Users to access these features with discretion, especially because the Users will be exclusively and personally liable for any misconduct, injury, damage to person and property, and the like suffered through such features.
Users retain discretion when identifying Homesitting and Homeswapping partners. Chiefly, the Users may exclusively decide amongst one another factors including, but not limited to: location of stay, length of stay, other parties (including animals) present during such stays, procedure for exchanging keys and home access information, exposing Guest to Host’s friends and acquaintances, and any privately–negotiated payment for services rendered during such stays (more applicable to Homesitting than Homeswapping). These are all privately agreed–up, interpersonal arrangements that are not affected in any way by HerHouse. As such, User holds HerHouse harmless for any injuries in law, fact, contract, property, and the like suffered by Users in any of the above situations, similar situations, or any other situations which was the byproduct of private communications and not attributable to HerHouse.
Indemnification of HerHouse
The signatory–User to this Disclaimer and Release therefore agrees to indemnify and hold harmless HerHouse and its affiliates for any claims raised, suits initiated, and debts accrued against or charged to HerHouse and its affiliates when the reasons for such claims, suits, and debts are the User’s own actions. Moreover, User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless HerHouse and its affiliates the same for any of the actions, conduct, and/or occurrences that
fall within the scope of the examples provided above or are otherwise outside of the stipulated zones of control and liability of HerHouse. In the event that conduct involving the signatory–User, peripheral non–parties, and/or surrounding on–location non–parties result in a suit raised against HerHouse and its affiliates, User shall defend HerHouse and, subject to the discretion of HerHouse, pay for necessary legal fees, expert witness fees, and/or any incidental fees.
Should HerHouse request, require, or in its sole discretion, believe to be entitled to the indemnification by its User(s), HerHouse will give such User(s) prompt notice of the nature of the suit, claim, or debt, outline the role that the User(s) played in such suit, claim or debt, and stipulated the indemnifying assistance–monetary, legal, and/or documentary, required of the User.
Consent and Acknowledgment
Every recipient User must consent to this Disclaimer and Release through the methods provided. Namely, if there is an “I ACCEPT,” “I CONSENT,” or similarly–phrased button below, you must click such button to continue. Otherwise, if this Disclaimer and Release is provided in an email, press release, post, update, or any other form of digital circular, then continuing to use the App after receiving this Disclaimer and Release shall constitute consent to all terms provided herein.